Friday, November 12, 2010

Cruise to Greece, the first night and full day on the boat

Educational duty free!

The room that E. O. and I shared was small, with two beds. We had been told that there was a bunk bed for the third person. E. called shotgun on the top bunk.

It was not what she expected. The bed comes out of the wall. She had to jump to the bed from the bed below (later I found a ladder in the closet, but hey, entertainment is entertainment. Right?)

E.: "Why am I up here? I am so confused."

O.: "HA HA HA!"

E.: "Gee, I hope I don't end up injuring myself on this dangerously located bed." (Guess what happened a couple days later.)

O.: "HA HA HA HA HA! You called it!"

I had the bed directly under E. lovely floating dangerously sharp-cornered bed.
Darling J. had the bed on the other side of the wall. We could tap messages through the wall!

In the morning we learned how to wear life jackets.

E. refused to wear hers unless the boat was actually sinking. You can see how pleased she is with the situation.

Our wonderful cabin attendant made towel origami animals for us. O. particularly liked the swan. She preceded to honk "SWAN!" for the rest of the evening.


Hanging lifeboats!

That night we docked in Rhodes. See the next post for drunken night time photos of Rhodes!

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